Third Web Camera-Depot Location

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Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Tim Tennant » Mon Jul 03, 2017 12:58 pm

As most of you are aware last week we experienced some issues with bandwidth as it relates to our web-cameras and the railroad's telephone and internet. With all three cameras on-line and when the railroad's reservation agents were experiencing high call volume their telephones were ceasing to function due to lack of bandwidth. After some discussion between the Friends and the railroad Jason Rose floated a short-term solution and that was to take the depot camera off-line to ease burden on bandwidth capacity. That seems to be working. Both coal tipple cameras remain on-line and functioning properly while the railroad appears to be receiving reservation calls with no issue. The Railroad and Friends have agreed to continue with this policy for the short term. If it is deemed necessary to bring the Depot camera back on-line, that will prompt the railroad having to purchase more bandwidth capacity at a cost that is not inexpensive. If that was done, the railroad and Friends would split that cost. At that point the Friends would entertain donations towards the operation of the cameras. If contributions were enough to keep the third camera on-line then it will stay on. If donations don't cover the extra costs then the Depot camera will remain dark and off-line. We know there are so many people who enjoy watching the web cameras but everyone must also be aware that there is a cost to operate the cameras. We are fortunate that a few advertisers and a couple of contributors produce the monetary requirements to keep them up and running. We'll keep you all apprised of the situation but that is where things are currently. Thank you.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:16 pm

I know that I would be more than willing to donate toward this extra bandwidth that is needed.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Tim Tennant » Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:27 pm

Sharon....thank you for the reply and offer. Let's see how things go. We appreciate your support!
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Rick Calkins » Mon Jul 03, 2017 10:11 pm

We will continue to contribute. However, the problem of bandwidth and additional financial support have not been fully described. How much additional bandwidth is necessary to meet current camera needs? How is this purchased? Monthly? Quarterly? Annually? What kind of money are you talking about? How much do donations bring in now? You say if it is deemed necessary to bring the camera back on-line, then costs would be split. Exactly what is meant by "deemed necessary?" How are costs allocated now? Should viewers forego making donations to other operation needs of the railroad and designate their contributions solely to the cameras? Has the railroad always used VOIP for reservation purposes? Curious that it is suddenly a drag on "bandwidth". Has somebody pirated a substantial amount of bandwidth just recently? I had several neighbors pull this stunt until I learned to lock them out. I would hate to see the cameras go blacker. They are a year-around and worldwide ambassador of the railroad, and part of the reason the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad was voted the best railroad ride by USA Today readers in 2016.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Tom Casper » Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:39 am

Rick, maybe this should be posted in the members only section ask u ask some very pointed questions.

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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Rich Murray » Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:43 am

Tom Casper wrote:Rick, maybe this should be posted in the members only section ask u ask some very pointed questions.

Tom C.

Tom, many viewers have donated to the cameras since they went on line. Members and non-members have both "reached for the hip". this discussion is fine here.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Rick Calkins » Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:58 pm

Lack of Broadband is Not the Problem with Camera 3

Crossdomain Access Denied.jpg
Crossdomain Access Denied.jpg (24.69 KiB) Viewed 11255 times


The Friends do not have a broadband deficiency problem. It was an unfortunate coincidence that the VOIP reservation system was in heavy use when the depot camera went down. You observe a broadband deficiency when the spinning arrow seen in the center of a monitor spins for a longer and longer period of time, before the contents are loaded and available for viewing. This did not happen with the three cameras. Actually, the camera displayed the problem, “Cannot load M3U8: Crossdomain access denied.” (See screen grab above)

The problem you are having with the Station Camera is improper coding communicated with JW Player, your video host. The code now in use disallows the loading of the video requested. There are times when downloading a video by a non-authorized domain is an important security measure. But, that is not the case here. It appears that all domains are excluded rather than included.

The use of JW Player gives you full control over retaining visitors who watch the train cameras. When viewing a video with JW on the Cumbres Toltec website, the user remains at the Cumbres site when the video is completed or exited. If the user is linked to that video on YouTube from the Chama Toltec website, that viewer then remains at YouTube after viewing is over. The user is now lost to the Chama website. JW Player is self-hosted. You do not lose control of either your material or your user. However, this M3U8 coding error disallows viewers from seeing a particular video.

Actually Chama Toltec self-hosts JW and also takes advantage of YouTube. After Wacky Roger uploads a train video to YouTube, he then posts the link on his blog, which is seen as part of the FCTS forum. He has no need to go through the convoluted process of posting to JW Player. His viewers activate the link and watch the video broadcast from YouTube. Best of both worlds?

Now what? Time for your IT guru to revise some program code. He will probably contact the support personnel at the JW Player website.


P.S. On other problem websites I have flushed the Chrome cache and the problem disappeared. I have also upgraded the Adobe Flash program and the problem disappeared. Neither work with the Cumbres Toltec website.

Now that Chama Camera Viewers have learned that bringing the wonderful views of the yard and rolling stock is a bit complex, hopefully they will throw a few more bucks into the Camera Cookie Jar.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Jason Rose » Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:36 am

Rick, the issue is, in fact, bandwidth and not the JW player or the browser. You're seeing the JW error because I blocked the stream at the firewall in Chama. The company that is streaming the cameras for us isn't receiving any data to stream, hence the error. To avoid this confusion, I will remove the embedded player from the page later today. I was hoping this would be a short-term issue and the Depot Camera would be back in business before long. That no longer appears to be the case, so I'll remove it until management can get this worked out.

Back to the bandwidth issue: that's the primary symptom of several problems:
1) Increased usage
2) Over-usage
3) Degradation of the circuit

All 3 issues are being looked at by management and they'll get it worked out.

As for funding an increase in bandwidth and how that will work, only Tim Tennant (FCTS President) can answer those questions/concerns.
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Tim Tennant » Wed Jul 05, 2017 9:47 am

Jason, thank you for answering some of what Rick Calkins is asking and yes Rick Jason is correct it is a bandwidth issue. The comment relative to if it is deemed necessary relates to the third camera. If not having the depot camera is no big deal then we will leave things the way it is. If everyone gets wrapped around the axle that it is not up then the railroad will have to purchase more bandwidth which will run approximately $500/month or $6,000 annually. These are the numbers that have been quoted to me. If that is the route the railroad chooses to go then the Friends would split that cost meaning we incur an additional $250/month expense or $3,000 annually. At that point it throws the cost of having the web cameras up into the red for the Friends. We have one gentleman who donates a few dollars each month towards the cameras and others who now and then contribute. This is not a stunt where we are trying to stick our hands out for more money. We have an annual budget that as an organization have to live within. So then we have to ask ourselves if the Friends have to incur an additional $3,000 expense (without designated donations) should that money go towards the cameras or should it not go for lumber, paint and materials for our restoration projects? I am just trying to explain the situation as it exists. Thank you.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Rick Calkins » Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:11 am

Jason and Tim, thanks for your remarks. I based my interpretation of the problem on information provided by JWPlayer support staff, the video player you host. Their solution is much less costly. I wish you and Tim immediate success, since your success is our success in viewing the Depot cam. Kudos in advance. My Comments provided in good faith.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Jason Rose » Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:59 am

Rick Calkins wrote:Semper Fi,

Oohrah, Rick!

Sure is nice to see so many Marines in the Friends.
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Tim Tennant » Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:32 pm

Rick, thank you and yes we are working on solutions. We appreciate the support.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Hoss Smith » Sat Jul 08, 2017 3:44 pm

I make a small monthly donation toward the camera operations each month. I want to do more but I am now wondering what I will do. I like all three cams and wish for more but backing down to two is not satisfactory to me.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Tom Peterman » Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:54 am

I continue to experience intermittent ‘freezing’ of both coal tipple cameras – especially during periods of high viewing – train departure & arrival. I am using Windows 10 and up to date Firefox browser. Am I alone, any suggestions?
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Jason Rose » Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:56 am

I'm checking on this Tom. Will have an answer before long.
Jason Rose
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Rich Murray » Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:59 am

? As they say out on the highways, "Too much rubber, not enough concrete"?
Could it be the band width problem?
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:27 pm

Hard to say Rich, I am using Windows 10 with an up to date Chrome browser and have no major issues with it except occasional buffering.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Rich Murray » Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:34 pm

Sharon Evans wrote:Hard to say Rich, I am using Windows 10 with an up to date Chrome browser and have no major issues with it except occasional buffering.

Sometimes it seems the buffer can't keep up with the current load. The other morning I opened the south camera just in time to see the engine approach the edge of the frame so I stopped that camera and opened the north one, the engine was down by the water tank!
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Tim Tennant » Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:08 am

Hoss Smith...we appreciate your contributions and you have been very good about sending us something every month. This is great! We are working to bring back the third camera and ultimately the Friends will share in the cost for more bandwidth. It is my responsibility to monitor and watch expenses relative to the organization. That is why we need to monitor issues like this. I would say after we start paying for extra bandwidth between advertising income and donations (you are regular while others are somewhat sporadic) we will be pretty much break even on costs associated to operate the cams. Thanks for the note.
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Re: Third Web Camera-Depot Location

Unread postby Hoss Smith » Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:50 pm

Tim, I wish I could send more but the oilfield is not all booming at this time regardless of what anyone hears and I am watching my expenses. Perhaps I can do better when things in my area pick up again.
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