Jay Wimer

Remembering those that have made the final station call.

Jay Wimer

Unread postby Jason Rose » Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:38 pm

There is a lengthy discussion on the NGDF regarding the passing of Jay Wimer ( https://ngdiscussion.net/phorum/read.php?1,435483,435483#msg-435483 ). I haven't read anything there that I don't believe to be true about Jay. Like all men, he wasn't all good and he wasn't all bad. Absolute good and evil are reserved for the spiritual realms. Which end of the spectrum Jay was on I'll leave to others to judge.

I will say that at one time I called him a friend and I participated in Chama Steam VIII in October 2009. It was a good trip and I'm glad I was there. This morning I recut the old Hi8 (8mm) video footage and posted it on youtube. It isn't high definition and some of the camera work is questionable, but it is what it is... sort of like Jay.


Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" - Wendell Phillips
"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." - Sgt Stryker USMC
“Life is too short to deal with other people’s drama.” – Sgt Jason Rose USMC
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Jason Rose
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