Webb Cameras

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Webb Cameras

Unread postby Roger West » Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:13 am

To the men and women of the railroad at Chama, well done.
At 77 I am amazed at the technology that allows me in CT to watch your railroad. You can be sure I will be watching many times.
My wife and I are planning a hot air balloon ride next October in ABQ and then a trip up to Chama. I am champing at the bit already.
Spend 3 years in Roswell in the 50's with the USAF and never knew what I was missing to the north. DDDDDDD
Quite this AM in the yard but just watching a steaming engine, real people walking around doing what ever and the beauty of the landscape is enough to make me come back many times. Again, Well Done.
Roger West

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