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08-27-15 Deer and Trains Yard Activity

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:35 pm
by Larry Sullivan
08-27-15 Early morning visit by a couple of the local deer - one was leisurely walking down along the main, eventually went into the swamp past the water tower. The 2nd just showed up a bit by the tipple then headed off camera.

08-27-15 Train 216 Departure -- #489 in the lead, train departs right on time -- but then stops kind of quickly about when the locomotive got around the wood shop. Sounds like the air may have dumped, either intentionally or part of what the problem was, not sure though. After a few minutes they restarted again and headed up the hill. Nice smoke today as well, hopefully no other issues for the trip. This runs about 9 minutes or so, I just let it run rather than edit out the stopped time.

08-27-15 Train 215 Arrival

Also of note 487 appeared to be hot today, though she wasn't moved. Perhaps they've fixed the issues and we'll see her being used again soon. Still no signs at all of 463, which is likely still either in the shop or behind.