First Version 2020 Work Sessions and Special Events

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First Version 2020 Work Sessions and Special Events

Unread postby Karl Strauss » Sat Dec 28, 2019 5:53 pm

Firstly, Happy New Year to All.

I am seeking information on the 2020 Work Sessions, including dates and the first cut of projects schedule. With airfare on sale, it make sense to make travel reservations ASAP. I have read that for 2020 there will be no session A, and Session F split into two. Other than that, I cannot locate information on what project is planned for when.

Secondly, since I have your attention, I am seeking information on special events since this is the CTS 50th. Perhaps I should be looking at the railroad's website. Again, I recall that a schedule of events was to be included in the Winter Dispatch - which I have not received nor is available on line.

Just waiting to get busy....

Thanks in Advance.
Karl Strauss
Head Brakeman
Head Brakeman
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Re: First Version 2020 Work Sessions and Special Events

Unread postby Paul Davenport » Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:21 pm

Hi Karl,
The Project Committee folks are still working on the 2020 work session registration material. I was asked this week to review an entry regarding my crew's project.
Paul Davenport
Posts: 272
Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:42 pm
Location: Phoenix, AZ

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