February 1, 2020 C&TSRR Commission Meeting

Discussions regarding the Bi-State Commission overseeing Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad

February 1, 2020 C&TSRR Commission Meeting

Unread postby Steve Forney » Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:57 am

Links are now public for viewing the February 1, 2020 C&TSRR Commission Meeting (thanks, Jason.)

http://www.coloradonewmexicosteamtrain. ... 020-01.htm

Lots of good information for those interested.

Thanks to Sam Seiber for helping record the meeting, and for his quick written summary, as well as help in setting up 5 cameras, 11 microphones, 3 multi-track audio recorders, and tables and chairs.

Thanks to Jason Rose for providing a web site to host these videos for many years now, and all the rest that he does for C&TS fans.

Thanks to Roger Hogan for the loan of cameras and tripods, moral support, advice, and of course his photography.

And thanks to the tremendous group of supporters of the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad over these 50-plus years.
Steve Forney
Steve Forney
Posts: 158
Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:07 pm

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