Engine 489 Conversion

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Engine 489 Conversion

Unread postby Karl Strauss » Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:17 pm

Just read in the March 2021 issue of TRAINS MAG, that engine 489 is slated for conversion to oil, such that the railroad can remain operational during periods of high fire danger.
Conversion is slated to be completed for the upcoming season.

Geez - I always liked the smell of coal....

Karl Strauss
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Re: Engine 489 Conversion

Unread postby Jason Rose » Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:41 am

I'll give you my thoughts, Karl.

I think it sucks. I LOVE the smell of coal smoke!

That said, I completely understand the need for the railroad to have a non-coal alternative for periods of high-risk fire danger. But rather than altering the character of the historic steam locomotive fleet, I'd prefer to see the railroad acquire several diesels for this purpose. They could paint them in a traditional black and gold Rio Grande paint scheme and preserve/present history in a different way. Heck, I'd go photograph that simply for the uniqueness and I know many others that would as well.

Just my thoughts...
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
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Re: Engine 489 Conversion

Unread postby Jack Spencer » Sun Feb 07, 2021 6:59 am

Jason Rose wrote:I'll give you my thoughts, Karl.

I think it sucks. I LOVE the smell of coal smoke!

That said, I completely understand the need for the railroad to have a non-coal alternative for periods of high-risk fire danger. But rather than altering the character of the historic steam locomotive fleet, I'd prefer to see the railroad acquire several diesels for this purpose. They could paint them in a traditional black and gold Rio Grande paint scheme and preserve/present history in a different way. Heck, I'd go photograph that simply for the uniqueness and I know many others that would as well.

Just my thoughts...

Personally, I have to agree with you and Karl about the conversion; I do think it will rob the nostalgia and heritage, but I think it's better to have a working steam engine at all climates than purchase new diesels as the D&S did. But that's just my opinion. I'm completely a steam man through and through. And anyway, most people come to see steam, not diesel.
Just a guy who loves steam.
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Re: Engine 489 Conversion

Unread postby Rich Murray » Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:00 am

Jason, I respectfully disagree with regards to diesels. (I can see black ones every day, the N/S track is less than ¼ mile away) As far as converting an engine to steam I would hope the next one, yes there will be a “next”, is the 497. I feel that should have been the first as it is beyond the time for it to be brought back to service and would have kept the present fleet intact without the possibility of having 488 unavailable for an extended period.
The way this winter has gone so far in Northern NM with below normal snowfall, having a converted engine on hand is a good thought but, will it be done in time?
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Re: Engine 489 Conversion

Unread postby John Cole » Sun Feb 07, 2021 12:27 pm

Too bad they didn’t convert Lucy, that engine starts more fires than the rest of the fleet combined!
John Cole
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