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Unread postby Jason Rose » Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:53 pm

WELCOME to the New Friends Forum

This forum has been created to provide a place where members of the Friends of the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad can discuss topics related primarily to Friends Projects and Work Sessions. The history of both the Denver & Rio Grande (Western) and the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, as well as other Friends activities, are also welcomed and encouraged.

This message board is intended to promote the Friends organization and to illustrate the good works that they do. Membership in this forum and posting privileges are open to all current Friends members. All members are encouraged to register and participate. In particular, team leaders are asked to post photos, information, and updates with their projects. In addition, posting any historical information or photos of the 140+ car fleet and line-side structures is strongly encouraged. Please remember that any photos uploaded become part of this message board. Copyrights remain with the owners.

Reposting any media from this website to other websites or forums on the internet is strictly prohibited.

Visitors and non-members are welcome and are allowed to post in the “Ask Questions” forum. Your posts there will be reviewed by a moderator before being displayed. Please use your real name when posting; no handles or aliases are allowed. Please register as your FIRST NAME [SPACE] LAST NAME. Non-members that would like to join discussions are strongly encouraged to join the Friends organization.

All Friends Members are encouraged to start discussions, contribute stories, and share photos and videos.

The Friends of the Cumbres and Toltec strive for accuracy in all that they do. After all, The Friends are primarily a historical preservation and interpretation organization. As such, corrections to errors are encouraged. If you wish to correct false information, please post these in a factual manner without resorting to “editorial comment” and/or personal attacks. Negative threads of the “he said, she said” variety will not be tolerated. Speculation and hypothetical discussion should be avoided

During Work Sessions, breaks and lunches are a great time to get together and visit with other members. This forum is intended to be a way for that sense of community and family to continue year-round.
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" - Wendell Phillips
"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." - Sgt Stryker USMC
“Life is too short to deal with other people’s drama.” – Sgt Jason Rose USMC
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Jason Rose
Posts: 2797
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:09 pm
Location: Spring, Texas (MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub)

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