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More cutting needed?

Unread postPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:55 am
by Paul Davenport
This photo was taken in June 2017. The Friends tree/brush crew would be interested in any thoughts, particularly from folks who have been at Cresco this year or last either on the train or on the ground, on whether more general cutting and trimming is needed in and around Cresco. From what I've seen in old photos, Cresco historically had relatively little trackside vegetation during D&RGW decades long past, but it has been overgrown since for many years. The tree/brush crew spent a couple of days there in June 2016, both trimming trackside along the slope east of the road and handling a RR request to remove many aspens on the southwest corner of the road and the tracks. With that grove substantially cut back, one can now see the high part of the road from the tracks and vice-versa. Additionally, John Cole's multitask crew did some cutting on the compass-direction southeast side of the tracks closer to the trestle, at least partly for charter-train photography purposes, later in 2016. But the tree/brush crew didn't have time during 2017 C work session to return to Cresco due to other assignments during the time available. Cresco will go back on the tree/brush crew's to-do list for 2018 but its an open question this far in advance whether there'll be other work that's deemed to be higher priority (aside from the Narrows, which always needs a lot of time and effort). Any thoughts about whether trimming/cutting is needed at Cresco based on current conditions there?