More From Session E

Discussion Pertaining to Work Session E - 2017

More From Session E

Unread postby Chris James » Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:17 am

From both sides of (and on top of) the Pass. Photos by the Chroniclers.
air tank1.jpg
Jeff_painting stoove1.jpg
rider gon.JPG
bolt car2-1.jpg
by enginehouse1.jpg
Chris James
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Robert Brigham » Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:23 am

Actually, the third picture showing the 483 work crew was from work session C, but we'll take all the publicity we can get... :grin:
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Chris James » Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:06 pm

You know, I had a hunch some of the photos were "off-section" but so many were coming in, some from Chroniclers with a date stamp, some from other folks, I was simply buried under digits. Since this whole "everything-gets-uplaed-instantly" process started, it's been a bit of a learning curve on how to manage and organize the photos, some for the Forum, some for the Dispatch, some for both, some of them simply for documentation.

I think both Jason and I will have a little better handle on this in 2018.

And thanks for correction!
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Jason Rose » Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:11 am

Chris James wrote:

I think both Jason and I will have a little better handle on this in 2018.

I sure hope so, Chris. I'm extremely grateful to finally have access to all of the photos, but good grief... there were THOUSANDS! Team work is the only way to wade through and sort that much data.
Jason Rose
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:54 am

If you guys were to have a chronicler from each session willing to work with you on these posting which would include captions and sorting, would not that help. Now getting a person would be the issue outside of E when I am there.
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Jason Rose » Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:15 am

Sharon Evans wrote:If you guys were to have a chronicler from each session willing to work with you on these posting which would include captions and sorting, would not that help. Now getting a person would be the issue outside of E when I am there.

I've been told they don't have the time to do that. Documenting the projects (paper work) and taking photos consumes the entire day.

Ideally, the Chroniclers would select the photos they like best and then post (and notate) directly to the Forum. However, my understanding is that the current roster of Chroniclers don't have the desire and/or ability to do that. Sending the pictures to me and Chris is the best/only option for the time-being. Things will change eventually and new people will come aboard that are more tech savvy.

For now, I'm just happy to have the photos flowing out of Chama and Antonito and not being lost forever. That's a significant step forward.
Jason Rose
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:18 am

Well, I did my Emuse during E and will continue that next year. I hope to be able to add some info to the ones you guys have posted for E once I catch up on my own stuff from the stay. The 'E' is short for Evans not session E.
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Jason Rose » Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:20 am

Thanks, Sharon. Your efforts are appreciated.
Jason Rose
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Chris James » Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:43 pm

Jason Rose wrote:
Sharon Evans wrote:If you guys were to have a chronicler from each session willing to work with you on these posting which would include captions and sorting, would not that help. Now getting a person would be the issue outside of E when I am there.

I've been told they don't have the time to do that. Documenting the projects (paper work) and taking photos consumes the entire day.

Ideally, the Chroniclers would select the photos they like best and then post (and notate) directly to the Forum. However, my understanding is that the current roster of Chroniclers don't have the desire and/or ability to do that. Sending the pictures to me and Chris is the best/only option for the time-being. Things will change eventually and new people will come aboard that are more tech savvy.

For now, I'm just happy to have the photos flowing out of Chama and Antonito and not being lost forever. That's a significant step forward.

I was told the same thing. I'd like to see the Job Description for the Chroniclers modified (and perhaps more folks added, perhaps non-photographers but tech-savy for uploads and Forum posting). The sheer number of photos submitted this year (so far...) has been stunning, but wading through them for sorting (especially since they come in jumbled up in time and space) and editing is very time consuming. I probably have more time than Jason (he has to work for a living, I'm on the dole...) but for both of us it's quite a task.


Thanks, Sharon! The E-for-Evans images+commentary you submitted was fabulous. I (we all) wish you were around for more time each year!!
Chris James
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:22 pm

Welcome Chris, I know my images that were submitted were edited prior to being uploaded to the site since I process them myself before they even get to the chronicler computer. Next year, as far as session E, I would be willing to assist with the posting of the others images.
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:33 pm

It is a ways down the line, but here are the captions for the pictures.
1. This is the hard working paint crew in their group shot.
2. Now we have the crew of the sand house/coal tipple posing behind the mixing tank which will be installed into the pit inside the sand house.
3. During session E, more work was done on cosmetically restoring the 483. This is the group shot of that crew.
4. Paint crew person applying heat resistant black to the stove which will go into the rebuilt bunk car which is being converted to a rider car for photo freights.
5. The stove in place with heat resistant floor mat and wall backing.
6. This is the crew which worked on redoing the rider gon.
7. The ladies who staffed the tool car which had just about any tool you might desire for your job.
8. A repeat of the bolt and nut car.
9. Another repeat, this time of the yard crew.
10. A shot of the crew at the Cumbres Car inspector shack, you can see where the chimney was removed inside and the scaffolding used on the outside removal.
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Re: More From Session E

Unread postby Chris James » Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:00 pm

Thanks, Sharon, for both the captions and the offer to help. I think we all learned a lot this year with the new upload to the Dropbox system. Second time around ought to be a little easier.
Chris James
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