More Session A photos

Discussion Pertaining to Work Session A - 2016

More Session A photos

Unread postby Ed Lowrance » Sat May 28, 2016 2:47 pm

Jamb nut jig .jpg
Square jam nuts are no longer being manufactured so we all try and keep any we remove or find in the scrap pile, Russ Hanscom made a jig to clean threads and has rescued several hundred this session alone!
Jim McGee and Leon Driving move steel to a nw storage area..jpg
We are cleaning up the "front" of our building so all scrap steel material is being removed to a new sorting and salvage area - "out of sight - sort of"
Lunch roast beef cheese .jpg
One day we had roast beef and pepper jack cheese sandwiches with all the fixins and fruit - another day we were offered two kinds of soup to go with the sandwich. Better come and join us!
frito Pie .jpg
Thursday we invited the Antonito shop and office crew to join us for traditional frito pie - lots of green chili and jalapeños to spice thing up The kitchen crew served well over 65 lunches today.
Preparing a new end sill.jpg
A replacement end sill is being prepared for 1357 - (don't ask)
Steel wood sandwich for another truck frame.jpg
Progress continues on another truck frame making up a steel and woo sandwich!
Ed Lowrance
Posts: 103
Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:21 am

Re: More Session A photos

Unread postby John Cole » Sun May 29, 2016 7:03 am

Thanks for all the great photos Ed, wow, trains, good food, and Friends together all in the same place. How can you beat that.
John Cole
Posts: 729
Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:55 pm

Re: More Session A photos

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Sun May 29, 2016 7:52 am

I am looking forward to my first experience at a work session when I come to the one beginning 25 July.
Sharon Evans
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Re: More Session A photos

Unread postby Doug Frederick » Mon May 30, 2016 12:36 am

"The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves..."
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Doug Frederick
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