Post Session D - Section House Restoration

Discussion Pertaining to Work Session D - 2015

Post Session D - Section House Restoration

Unread postby George Trever » Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:13 am

2015 Work Session "D" was successful in installing the first of three headers and digging three holes for the porch posts. Concrete was poured into the four foot deep holes to a depth of about 18 inches with rebar to establish a foundation for each post footing. Bob Conry is the lead for the Section House restoration and continued work on the facility after the Session. George Trever joined him to setup and pour the three footings. After a week of curing, the work to install the other two headers and all three posts started. Ron Horejsi joined Bob and George to get this key phase of the restoration activity. After many interruptions by rain, the porch roof structure was completed on July 8, 2015.
2015_07_03 003 (768x1024).jpg
This was hole #1. All holes were 2'x2' and dug to four feet deep. This hole had an interesting surprise. It was a two-by like bin with a side that never ended. We had no clue what it was used for, especially at such a depth. It remained in place for the concrete pour.
2015_07_03 006 (1024x768).jpg
Bob was putting the finishing touches on the form for one of the posts.
2015_07_03 009 (768x1024).jpg
All three post footings were poured and then left to cure for a week.
2015_07_03 025 (1024x768).jpg
Bob removed the remaining boards to prepare for installation of the remaining headers, top plates and posts. The birds and mice certainly made great deposits.
2015_07_09 003 (1024x768).jpg
Ron Horejsi assists Bob in placing the second header between posts one and two.
2015_07_09 013 (1024x768).jpg
Bob makes the final cut on one of the posts. All three posts were cut to length, trimmed for the base mounting brackets and then put in place. Bob laboriously tweaked each header and post to achieve a nice straight alignment of the posts.
2015_07_09 004 (1024x768).jpg
The monsoon season hit with muddy results. Generally, thunderstorms would popup by noon or the arrival of the west bound train. However, on this day, it rained all day. Bob had previously did some grading to keep the rain runoff away from the building foundation.
2015_07_09 027 (1024x768).jpg
Finally, in spite of the fog and cold breeze, the final post was put in place. The remaining portion of the deck was removed in preparation of framing of the replacement deck.
George Trever
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:01 am

Re: Post Session D - Section House Restoration

Unread postby Rich Murray » Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:46 am

George, thank you for posting this.
The work that Bob and the crew have done on the section house is absolutely incredible. This project would have made a great "This Old House" show.
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Re: Post Session D - Section House Restoration

Unread postby Jason Rose » Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:51 am

Thanks, George. Really appreciate the photos and update.
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
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Re: Post Session D - Section House Restoration

Unread postby John Cole » Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:18 pm

Great photos George, do you have a photo showing folks the gap between the front door and the door jamb? It would REALLY illustrate just how much the building was sagging before Bob and his teams started jacking it back into plumb and level. We almost lost that structure.
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