Chama webcam link

Discussions regarding the Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad

Chama webcam link

Unread postby James McKee » Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:42 pm

At the very bottom of the website is the current schedule (which has not been updated at this point) and at the very bottom is listed the last date of the operation of the San Jaun. The info has been there for many years and I have for many years ignored the error. The last run of train 215 was January 31, 1951, not January 30, 1951.
James McKee
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Re: Chama webcam link

Unread postby Jason Rose » Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:27 am

James, you're correct. The last run was on January 31. The board shows that. The last WESTbound run was January 30 and it returned east to Alamosa the next day as the final EASTbound run.

If this is incorrect, please let me know and I'll happily correct it.
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
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Re: Chama webcam link

Unread postby James McKee » Thu Jul 28, 2022 4:18 pm

Hi Jason,
Below is the detail regarding trains 215/216 for January 31, 1951. This info is from the dispatcher train sheet for that day.

January 31, 1951

Standard gauge Train No. 115, with engine 1705, arrived Alamosa at 5:06 AM. Consist included D&RGW business car 101.

Train No. 215 with engine 488
Conductor Edmisten
Engineer Nissen (Alamosa to Chama)
Engineer J Connor (Chama to Durango)
Depart Alamosa 7:10 AM (10 mins. late) with 9 cars (65, 164, 325, 326, 312, 310, 319, Alamosa, Chama)
Osier 10:55 AM (1 hr. 10 mins. late)
Cumbres times not shown (Station was closed in April 1950)
Arrive Chama 12:27 PM (1 hr. 17 mins. late), engine 488 off, engine 478 on
Depart Chama 12:35 PM (1 hr. 20 mins. late)
Arrive Gato 3:04 PM (1 hr. 43 mins. late), give car “Chama” to No. 216
Depart Gato 3:45 PM (2 hrs. 24 mins. late) with 8 cars
Arrive Durango 6:30 PM (2 hrs. 25 mins. late)
Conductor Edmisten's delay report shows:
Alamosa 10 minutes transfer
2 hours 30 minutes taking pictures (en route)

Train No. 216 with engine 484
Conductor Hines
Engineer Dieckman (Durango to Chama)
Engineer Nissen (Chama to Alamosa)
Depart Durango 11:35 AM (20 mins. late) with 7 cars (119, 127, 320, 306, 323, 327, Durango)
Arrive Gato 2:05 PM (16 mins. late), held to get car “Chama” from No. 215
Depart Gato 3:36 PM (1 hr. 47 mins. late) with 8 cars
Arrive Chama 5:35 PM (1 hr. 35 mins. late), engine 484 off, then back on as helper
Depart Chama 6:05 PM (2 hrs. late) with engine 488, engineer Nissen and helper engine 484, engineer Hall
Cumbres engine 484 off, depart Cumbres light for Chama
Arrive Alamosa 11:20 PM (2 hrs. 50 mins. late) with 8 cars

This info was actually posted to the NGDF by Jimmy Blouch back in 2011. The search engine on the NGDF is not the best, so find stuff is not particular easy.
James McKee
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:20 pm

Re: Chama webcam link

Unread postby Jason Rose » Tue Aug 02, 2022 5:57 am

Thanks, James. I stand corrected and have fixed the website.

I assume 216 returned to Alamosa the following day (Feb 1) empty.
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" - Wendell Phillips
"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." - Sgt Stryker USMC
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Jason Rose
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